
Helpful Ideas For Designing A Flower Garden

There is one thing that all flower gardens have in common - gorgeous flowering plants. What sets one flower garden apart from another is the structure and design surrounding the flowers. The most attractive flower gardens have been planned carefully and designed precisely. In order to plan and design a beautiful flower garden, you must plan in advance and choose plants that will compliment one another.

Before finalizing your flower garden plans it is a good idea to visit your local nursery to get an idea of which flowers appeal to you and what types and colors of flowers will compliment each other nicely. Try to choose plants that flower at varying times of the year and that offer a wide variety of colors. Different textures and greenery will give you the best results. Also, choose a mixture of annuals and perennials. Annuals are flowers that must be planted each year and perennials are flowers that return year after year with no need to replant.

It is always helpful to make a rough drawing of the outline of your flower garden and begin adding various elements from there. You will have to decide upon the border of your flower garden and the shape of the bed. A border is the area around the outside of your garden and the bed is the area inside the border. You can choose plants, stones, or edging for the border and then fill the bed with a variety of flowering plants.

In choosing the types of flowers you will grow in your garden, spend a little time researching the best types of flowers for your area. Some flowers will do well in any part of the country while others will only produce flowers in certain climates. Choosing plants that are native to your particular area is always a good idea, especially for beginners. Native plants are ones that grow naturally in your region and will require the least amount of care and maintenance.

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